In 2013, when we were a little younger and a little braver, we arrived in Dubai airport on a 30-day Dubai visit visa, we were excited and ready to embrace all that the city had to offer.
We ended up enjoying eight great years in Dubai. We became Dubai recruiters and over the years we have helped, and continue to help, many people from all over the world find jobs in Dubai.
Coming up
In this article I'm going to explain four steps that you can take right now, that will help you find a job whilst on a visit visa in Dubai.
Many people arrive in Dubai on visit visas hoping to secure employment, unfortunately many are unsuccessful.
This is not because they lack the right skills of experience, but rather, they fail because they don't understand how recruitment works in Dubai.
By the end of this article you'll have four very simple steps that you can take right now, to dramatically improve your chances of finding a job in Dubai.
Four-steps to finding a job on a Dubai visit visa
1. Decide exactly what kind of job you want to get in Dubai
When you arrive in Dubai on a visit visa, you will have a very limited amount of time at your disposal.
You need to hit the ground running, and you should do as much preparation as possible before you arrive.
One of the main things you need to do before you arrive in Dubai, or as quickly as possible after you arrive, is to have a clear goal in mind.
• What job do you actually want to get?
• What industries are you targeting?
• What companies would you like to work for?
When you know exactly what job it is that you are looking for, you'll be able to perform a very targeted job search.
A clear goal will improve your chances of getting a job in Dubai on a visit visa
I know this sounds too simple but this is absolutely fundamental to your Dubai job search success.
When we first arrived in Dubai, Hannah knew exactly what job she wanted, she had her CV tailored and targeted and had completed most of the steps outlined in this article. Within one week she had accepted a job offer!
I on the other-hand, had no idea what I really wanted to do. I was offered a job selling private jets, a wealth management role and other random jobs that I didn't really want.
After three whole months I finally decided that I wanted to be a Dubai recruiter. I tailored my CV accordingly, updated my LinkedIn profile and within two weeks I had three job offers!
Hopefully my point is obvious, those who know what they want are much more likely to get it.
If you are happy to get any job in Dubai, you are likely to end up with no job in Dubai!
Many of the clients that we work with become frustrated when they apply for huge numbers of roles and hear nothing back.
This typically happens when they haven’t decided on exactly what role they want, and instead believe that applying for more jobs will increase their chances.
Unfortunately, this approach rarely works and is often one of the major reasons that people seem to get stuck in their job search, here’s why:
It leaves recruiters in Dubai unsure as to how they can help you
Recruiters in Dubai are tasked to source candidates that meet very specific requirements. Companies in Dubai are quite inflexible in regards to their requirements.
If your CV, LinkedIn profile or applications are too generic, Dubai recruitment agents will be unclear about what roles they should approach you for and whether or not you will be a good fit for the role for which they are recruiting.
It can show you lack intention and focus
Many people don’t realise that a single Dubai recruiter will likely be handling multiple roles at any given time and when they see the same candidate applying for lots of roles, even roles that they are not suitable for, it can undermine the candidate’s credibility, giving the impression that this candidate does not really know what job they want or what role they would excel in.
Your job applications will be low quality
It’s very easy to quickly click ‘apply’ on Dubai job boards and recruitment platforms, but this typically results in lots of low-quality applications, applications that have not been given enough thought or attention.
Generally, fewer, high-quality applications yield a greater degree of success than many low-quality applications.
Deciding on exactly what kind of role you want will enable you to conduct some thorough research and to begin communicating the value that you can add to specific organisations on your CV and LinkedIn.
It will also provide you with more time to follow up on your applications with high-quality and personalised communication.