Dubai Job Search Strategy

Are you finding your Dubai job search harder than you expected? You're not alone.

$200/90 minutes

The Dubai job market is challenging. Many job searches fail before they even begin. I'm here to help you develop your plan, avoid costly mistakes, and build a strategy for success.

Get started

Why book a Dubai job search consultation?

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As an experienced Dubai recruiter, I know how the Dubai job market operates. I'll give you the inside knowledge you need to succeed.

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Discover how to partner with recruiters, connect with hiring managers and network your way into the best opportunities.

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We'll discuss how to optimise your CV and LinkedIn profile for the Dubai market, so that you start to attract the attention of the right people.

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Get my Dubai job search toolkit which includes a directory of the best Dubai recruitment agencies, a professional CV template and in-depth guides.

I highly recommend Joel
Having worked in Dubai as a recruiter he has insight into the psyche of recruiters...and the best avenues of how to navigate a complex job market in Dubai. Joel's ability to decipher the main message of your CV & LinkedIn profile to help you hone in on the message you are what makes him truly valuable.
I cannot express how grateful I am
Joel was extremely knowledgeable and supportive throughout the entire process, and his expertise in the job search industry was evident from the start. Joel's attention to detail, professionalism, and personalized approach made all the difference.
A career adviser you can trust
I must say I was truly impressed. I definitely learned a lot. I did some minor revisions in my account, not knowing that few days later I would be receiving numerous inquiries if whether or not I was interested for a possible career change or if I was actively looking for a job.
Offering so much value
I have thoroughly enjoyed our collaboration with Joel. I will be strongly recommending any candidates that need to tune up their personal information when seeking a job...definitely a go-to when looking for a job.

Partner with an expert

As a Dubai recruiter and job search coach, I can help you identify where you're going wrong, where you need to focus your efforts, and where your greatest opportunities lie.

Let's get started
We've helped people land jobs in these amazing companies:
The Amazon logo.The TikTok logoReckitt logoThe Fine Tissues logo.The Anaplan logo, blue.

Our expertise could change your outcome

An icon of a handshake between two people implying the person is being hired.

Recruitment insight

As former recruiters we truly understand how to land great career opportunities

An icon of a globe with a point on the map highlighted.

International experience

Bringing international perspective gained from living and recruiting overseas

An icon of two people and one is giving career advice to the other.

Bespoke service

We provide a unique and consultative approach, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all advice

An icon of a megaphone with marks indicating noise is coming out. It uses the green branding colour of The English Meeting Room to highlight key aspects of the icon.

Work at YOUR pace

Book as many or as few sessions as you need to gain clarity in your job search, this is your journey!

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Choose an appointment day & time

Thank you for choosing our Executive service, we look forward to working with you soon!

Firstly, please select a date and time for your consultation with Hannah through our scheduler. If you are unable to find a slot that suits you, please contact us directly.

We recommend that you book a consultation time before making payment in order to ensure we can meet your timescales. Please note in order to secure your appointment slot, you will need to make your payment immediately.


Make a payment

Once you have selected an appointment slot please make your payment by clicking below. We will hold your appointment slot for 1 hour to allow time to complete the transaction. After this time, any incomplete bookings will be cancelled.
