Did you know you can use LinkedIn Premium to find a job faster? Job seekers who use LinkedIn Premium get hired on average 2X faster than those who do not. Coming up I'm going to unpack and explain how to use the top 5 LinkedIn Premium tools to speed up your job search. Disclosure: We are affiliates for some of these products and services. Learn more.
What is LinkedIn Premium?
LinkedIn Premium is a paid version of LinkedIn. Members who subscribe to a Premium package get access to some very powerful tools. If you know how to use these tools, you can speed up your job search quite a bit.
How to get a free trial of LinkedIn Premium
LinkedIn users can access a 30 day free trial of LinkedIn Premium every 12 months. This is a great offer that I recommend all job seekers take advantage of.
Learn how to access your LinkedIn Premium free trial here
Which LinkedIn Premium will help you land a job faster?
There is more than one LinkedIn Premium package available and they are not all equal. Whilst LinkedIn recommends the Premium Career package, I recommend opting for LinkedIn Business.
Why LinkedIn Premium Business?
LinkedIn Premium Career and Business are almost identical, except for two key differences. LinkedIn Business gives you unlimited profile views plus 15 InMail credits. That's 10 more InMail credits than LinkedIn Career!
As you'll see below, InMails and searches are two of the most important LinkedIn Premium tools. Because they are critical to your job search, LinkedIn Business is the best option.
Optimise your LinkedIn profile
Before we jump in to the 5 top premium tools, a quick word on LinkedIn optimisation. To get the best results from your efforts on LinkedIn you should optimise your profile. The goal of using LinkedIn Premium is being found by recruiters and hiring managers.
But don't forget your profile needs to look great when they find it. It also needs to tell the right story.
How to use the top 5 LinkedIn Premium tools to land a job faster
There are 5 LinkedIn Premium tools that you should pay particular attention to. Consistent use of these tools for 30 days can increase your chances of getting hired faster.
1. Open Profile
As a LinkedIn Premium member you can turn on Open Profile. Open Profile allows recruiters and hiring managers to contact you. This is a feature that you should be utilise for the entire duration of your free trial.
When your LinkedIn profile is set to 'open', people can message you even if you're not connected. Recruitment is a fast-paced business and the more obstacles you remove the better. A recruiter can't afford to wait for you to accept their connection request. They need to be able to message you right away when an opportunity becomes available.
How do you enable open profile on LinkedIn?
• Click on the ‘me’ icon in the top right
• Select 'access my premium'
• Choose 'premium profile settings' on the right
• Turn on and off the open profile feature
When you activate LinkedIn Premium you'll have the option to turn on open profile. You should do it immediately so that recruiters and hiring managers can begin to reach out to you.

2. Who's viewed your profile?
The who's viewed your profile feature is one of the most powerful tools available to job seekers. As a LinkedIn Premium subscriber you'll see exactly who's viewed your profile in the past 90 days.
Why do you need to know who’s viewed your LinkedIn profile?
There are two reasons why you need to know who's found you on LinkedIn.
1. To inform your optimisation efforts
2. So that you can reach out and connect

So that you can optimize your LinkedIn profile
When someone finds your LinkedIn profile for the first time it's because one of two reasons.
1. LinkedIn has recommended your page because of similar interests or backgrounds.
2. Your profile has come up in a search that they have performed on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn recommends your profile based on certain keywords that it contains. Optimising your profile gives you more control over who finds it.
If you’re looking for a job as a Sales Manager, you want to appear in searches for “Sales Manager”. You're also going to want sales recruiters to discover you.
If there right people are not finding you, you have some optimisation work to do. But you’ll only understand what changes to make once you know exactly who’s finding your profile right now.
So that you can reach out and connect
This is a job search hack that most job seekers overlook. If someone visits your profile it's often because something has caught their eye. These are the people that you should be reaching out to! These are pretty warm leads, not completely cold contacts. It’s a lot easier to start a conversation with someone who has already visited your page.